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Transformation - technology and digital transfer for sustainable rural development.

Our objective is to reduce the gap that exists between agribusiness and biodiversity, between the producer and technology, so that they can improve their productions through technological and / or digital uses to improve management processes and relationship with the environment.

We as Agro Intelligent, want to influence producers capabilities to support the demands of the current and future market in a sustainable way..


We are the research and development area of Agronegocios Latam S.A.S. We were born with the purpose of implementing technology, innovation and business to the agricultural sector as a fundamental pillar, in order to increase productivity and the transformation of agribusiness towards a sustainable environment.

We make the countryside a sumptuous and quiet life option.


It is a friendly technological assistant with the ability to guide the producer in the workflows of the poultry production model, either for fattening chicken purposes or egg laying.

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In our offices we are at your disposal to have a coffee and listen to your offer or demand.

Mosquera - Cundinamarca Calle 23 No. 19A -42

314 391 45 00

In our offices we are at your disposal to have a coffee and listen to your offer or demand.

Montería - Córdoba Trans.13B No 65 - 71

314 391 45 00